Tag Archives: curriculum


Today I’m sharing my minimalist homeschool curriculum and about how we homeschool. I like to focus on reading to them, teaching them to read to me, teaching them math and having them write. Beyond that we learn about anything that we are curious about!

I wish I could show you how I organize for homeschool but the truth is…there isn’t much to organize! haha We keep it pretty simple and minimal. We don’t have a homeschool room, so I can’t give you a tour. We read on the couch and do math, unit studies, writing, and projects at the dining table. We enjoy colored pencils, building forts, legos, playing outside, reading books, and using our imaginations. We love youtube and google maps for learning science concepts, historical facts, and seeing national monuments! We love learning through everyday experiences, including cooking.

Do you have any questions about homeschooling? I was homeschooled and am now a homeschool mom. I can’t claim to be home school genius, but maybe I can help if you have anything you’re curious about. 🙂

There are so many fun ways to educate our kiddos. I’d love to hear about your education philosophy in the comments! 🙂

HOMESCHOOL MOM TAG: https://youtu.be/U0_RFP1sw_Q
SAHM MORNING ROUTINE: https://youtu.be/92J-UEB7MCg
CHORE ROUTINE FOR KIDS: https://youtu.be/7LFBeEhL_y0
MOM WORKOUT WITH KIDS: https://youtu.be/2tXmuw8QADs

Dr Suess ABC book: http://amzn.to/2vInlxg
Alpha Phonics: http://amzn.to/2iciaAO
Phonetic Storybooks: http://amzn.to/2w7wMaK
Abacus: http://amzn.to/2iaJU8Y
Ray’s Arithmetic Printable PDF: https://www.ronpaulcurriculum.com/736MGD1011.pdf
Horizon 1: http://amzn.to/2fR6O4w
Horizon 2: http://amzn.to/2fQbc3W
Teaching Textbooks 3: http://amzn.to/2fPARtD
Children’s Atlas of God’s World: http://amzn.to/2w7QEKC
Melissa & Doug World Mat: http://amzn.to/2w7hHWp
Christian Cottage Unit Studies: http://www.christiancottage.org/product-category/cccurriculum/ccunitstudies/
Tula Toddler Carrier: http://amzn.to/2w7Me6G

Facebook group for mommas to encourage, pray for, and inspire one another: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1777576805837040/




Disclaimer: I was not given anything in this video for review. This is not a sponsored video. Some links contain affiliates. Thanks for supporting my channel! = )


Homeschool Mom Tag – 10 FAQs

It’s the homeschool mom tag! You’re it! I was homeschooled and am currently homeschooling my oldest. If you have any homeschooling questions please leave them in the comments below. I’m not an expert, but maybe I can help with what homeschool knowledge I have acquired or send you in a good direction! 😉

Alpha Phonics: http://amzn.to/2u5r6fH
Who was books: http://amzn.to/2sXjVai
Christian Cottage Schools: http://www.christiancottage.org/product-category/cccurriculum/ccunitstudies/
World Map Mat: http://amzn.to/2u7OIkO
Abacus: http://amzn.to/2uabAA6
Teaching Textbooks: http://www.teachingtextbooks.com/
How to Homeschool (My cover is different, but I’m 99% sure it’s the same inside.): http://amzn.to/2uamHJo
Phonetic Storybooks: http://amzn.to/2u5ACzF

I was tagged by Deanna at Taming the Frizz. Thanks, Deanna!
Deanna’s Video: https://youtu.be/n_w9S37FMFs

I tag Heather, Cati, Julie, Nikki, and YOU!
If you do this tag here’s the link to my video for your description box:
Juli’s video: https://youtu.be/U0_RFP1sw_Q

Homeschool Mom Tag Questions:
1. Were you homeschooled?
2. Did you know always know you’d homeschool your children?
3. What are your 3 favorite books in your homeschool library?
4. Are you the only “teacher”? Does your spouse help, outsource help, tutors, etc.
5. Where is your favorite place to buy homeschool curriculum?
6. Do you have a set budget for your homeschool?
7. What are 2 must have homeschool supplies?
8. What’s your favorite/least favorite subject to teach?
9. Are you involved in coops or homeschool groups? What has your experience been in these groups?
10. What is your approach? ( charlotte mason, eclectic, classical, etc)

JULY HEALTH RESET: https://youtu.be/NpG43vpuBN8

I’m starting an online business!
Check out my store here: https://www.abeautifulhorizon.com/store/


This video is not sponsored.  I was not sent anything for review.
My thoughts are my own.  Some links contain affiliates.