Tag Archives: meal prep


What I eat in a day! My version of healthy meal ideas. I’m a stay at home homeschool mom who loves food! I believe in everyone finding an eating style that makes them feel their best and going with it! Of course I don’t eat the same thing every day and some days I eat more, or less, but this is a descent representation of how I like to eat. I try to eat as much from scratch as possible when I’m at home and then let loose and enjoy myself when I’m out with other people. I’d love to hear about your version of healthy down in the comments! What are your favorite kinds of meals? 🙂

My store: https://www.abeautifulhorizon.com/store/
$2 off entire order.
Valid until 8/28/17 11:59 PM EST

Cashew Milk Recipe: https://youtu.be/xijpSijTwsw
Current Favorite Coffee: http://amzn.to/2hQi95C
Vanilla Stevia: http://amzn.to/2fxRIRA
Green Vibrance: http://amzn.to/2voL99o
Baked Seasoned Fries Recipe: https://youtu.be/Rvzxg_YHj-U
Ranch Recipe: https://www.abeautifulhorizon.com/SAUCES/
Gluten Free Chocolate Cup Cakes: https://youtu.be/P-wpu3O_6tU

I’m not a doctor or nutritionist. Always do your own research and/or see a professional before adding something to, or changing your diet. 🙂

Here are a few fun articles, but I’m sure there are lots more out there!
Kelp: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/06/20/kelp-seaweed-benefits.aspx
Flax: https://draxe.com/10-flax-seed-benefits-nutrition-facts/
Nutritional Yeast: https://draxe.com/nutritional-yeast/

Facebook group for mommas to encourage, pray for, and inspire one another: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1777576805837040/



This video is not sponsored.  Some links contain affiliates.  Thanks for stopping by!  <3


Today I’m sharing an ideal version of our spring morning routine for may 2017. As a stay at home mom, things don’t always go this smoothly, but this is a general idea of what we do to start our day. Some mornings the young ones wake up happy, but some days they wake up cranky and we have to take it slow and enjoy lots of cuddles before we do anything productive. Please keep in mind that SAHM routines or day in the life / get ready with me videos are meant to be a source of inspiration, not an object of comparison. Nobody has a perfect morning every morning. Also, a lot of my morning routine is contingent on whether or not I followed my evening routine the night before! I’ll get around to making an evening routine video eventually, but the idea is that if I don’t do an evening living room tidy and kitchen cleanup the next morning my house will not look like it does in this video! I am working on my cleaning habits and routines, but I also have to be patient with myself. As a momma of littles my time is not my own and I have to be ok with that during this season. Love you all! -Juli

P.S. I do my hair and makeup in the afternoon and we do our Bible study along with school and at night. 😉

Where I buy Green Vibrance powder: https://goo.gl/u6X4vj

STEVIA DROPS: http://amzn.to/2q10UAU

The Windtalkers on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/thewindtalkers/playlist/4bMoPhWG3KyPAzfJPN3FFd

I filmed this video before I started participating in the #15daydresschallenge on Instagram. Check it out here: https://www.instagram.com/abeautifulhomelife/

Like the meal you saw? Check out my foodie page:

This is where I post about kids things, homeschooling, etc:

Disclaimer: I was not given anything in this video for review. This is not a sponsored video. Some links contain affiliates. Thanks for supporting my channel! = )


Hey everybody! Today we’re talking about DIY “healthy” (to me) travel snacks to take on the road when you’re going somewhere with the kiddos! What are your favorite quick and portable snack foods? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like and subscribe! 😉

Snack Containers: http://amzn.to/2oPWcpd

Disclaimer: I was not given anything in this video or post for review. This is not a sponsored video or post. Some links contain affiliates. Thanks for supporting my channel! = )


Farmers Market Grocery Haul + Quick Meal Prep Tips

Today I’m sharing a Farmers Market Grocery Haul + Quick Meal Prep Tips.  I love shopping for groceries at my local farmers market, because they have great deals on the produce that is “on it’s way out”.  I can grab these deals and freeze or cook them up as soon as I get home to lock in the savings!